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tv   ABC 7 News at 500  ABC  October 1, 2013 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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much of this hinges on house speaker john boehner. and whether he will support a .overnment funding bill >> is a difficult calculation for him to make. it is on the table. he continues to be on the table. >> no major negotiation scheduled between democratic and republican leaders. there seems to be no end in sight to the shut down. coming up we will hear from a virginia senator and a virginia representative. this should not be happening. members of congress continue to get paid during government shutdown. the same cannot be said for the hundreds of thousands of federal workers now furloughed. reaction now from some of those employees. we are crossed the street for the department of education next to the department of education. it is a virtual ghost town. many federal workers came into
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the offices, secured their fouled, but their "out of office those quote auto reply and when they not knowing will return them. --the district frederick federal corridor's. >> it is ridiculous. >> worker after worker worked out of the government office. they knew a shutdown was possible but it does not make his day any easier. can it been a fed for nearly four decades. he headed home this morning disappointed. >> i just wish congress would get their act together. i think they stuff should negotiated but not at our expense or the >> the shutdown lasted 21 days. i am very disappointed and angry. these people were voted into these positions.
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job, iere me and my would have lost my job a long time ago. >> the white house issued a letter to all federal workers. the president thanking them for their service and sacrifice. save this shutdown was completely preventable. it should not have happened. the house of representatives could and did and it fund your work in the government. >> workers are now off the job without paychecks. no sense of when congress will allow their lives to get back to normal. >> i wish they would settle the differences a little bit. wish they would learn to compromise a little bit better. we just want to come back and do our jobs. who areal employees essential and continue to work are guaranteed to pay. those who came down here today and turned it -- turn around and went right back home, it is uncertain and whether or not they will be paid.
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reporting live in southwest washington, abc 7 news. things willrtant not be changing while the government is shutdown including uvatary paychecks, hospitals, medicare, and social security benefits will continue. air-traffic controllers will remain on their jobs. air travel should not be affect it. thousands of d.c. employees fail to get paid during the shutdown at least for a wild. today they improved -- approved funding for the next couple of weeks. lastly mayor gray declared all city services and employees as essential. they list as part of the story for you.
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>> the last normal is the greatest bargain. everything is free. not years. just bad timing. thet the lincoln memorial, services are making them off- limits. their kids are set in place. no look for a texas woman trying to find and use them open. >> we were kind of thursday. none of the food trucks were here. we're kind of bummed. >> there are all these clowns. they do a bad job of it. >> we ran into groups of his appointed eighth-graders. one from ohio.
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we show up on a great day. to visit.ums they do get to the capital last night to watch. >> i thought it was pretty stunning to be in there and see the debate in all of the voting. >> we're not getting to tour the capitol building or the pentagon. we're not getting to go to the holocaust museum. >> the chaperones are not happy. >> i would like to see congress work as hard as these kids do to get here. that is what i would like to see. >> the national park service is one place that will not stop is the washington monument that was damaged a few years ago by the earthquake. the funds for repair party been appropriated and therefore that park will continue. reporting live, abc 7 news. some national parks are closed tonight.
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someone mood one of the barriers to allow people of world war ii to get inside and access the open site. a spokesperson from the park service said they're no longer trying to hold anyone back from that particular memorial. we will be hearing rumbles veterans coming up tonight at 6:00. the government shutdown extends to heads are as well. about 20 programs nationwide are feeling the impact. none of them in our area. d.c. andt programs in maryland could feel the effect. >> the epicenter of the shutdown is the president's health care plan. most republicans won it delayed for a year. some say the affordable care act is now of money. all americans must have health insurance. we have the details. places this ont
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the online insurance marketplace exceeding anything he expected. more than 2.8 million people have do not call it the accessible care act. at least not today. huge demand overwhelming the governments health care exchange website on the first day of enrollment under the affordable care act. >> apple rolled up a mobile operating system. within days they found a glitch. they fixed it. as a member anybody suggesting apple should stop selling iphones are ipads. >> he wants to be health care. he is been trying to all day. he is only seen air or messages, jot down menus that do not work in messages asking for patience. >> i think it was irresponsible to not be prepared. until heds insurance
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qualifies for medicare. , ias not able to access wanted to know how much might i be paying. that is why i was so excited about the website. you do not get that information when you call. different state, different website. same problem. she hopes she was then the morning picking out health insurance for her and her two- year-old son. while he has his doctors docket ready, it be health care connection website was not ready for the opening demand. mom is doing the application with pen and paper. >> either wages going to get done. either way i need this. >> officials say they are aware of the issues and they believe it is due to the unexpectedly high volume of users. in -- andorking on it expect the delays to be reduced. if you're not able to get in
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today you still have 180 days left to do it. if you don't you could be subject to penalties for being uninsured. abc 7 news. this is far from over. we will continue to bring you any developments as republicans and democrats continued battle over a bill to give the government backed up and running. for a list of what is changing and what is not, head over to our website >> let's talk about a hot topic. >> if you were outside a that you had a hard time figuring out if it was october 1 through june 1. 80's tonight. >> the weather is looking good for the rest of the week. it is not there like fall. >> it goes more likely summer. we're going to keep the trend going for another few days. some changes are on the way.
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outside we go. it is a beautiful evening out there. just a few clouds and temperature still in the 80's. 82 degrees at reagan national airport. upper 70's out to the west. 80's down in fredericksburg. here is your forecast. our temperatures will fall through the lower 80's and into the 70's. look at the sunset high. that is 650. we are losing about two minutes of daylight as we move toward winter. coming up in a few minutes, we will talk about the potential for much-needed rain across the mid-atlantic area the timing it just a few minutes. school start times take center stage in montgomery county. here who is now saying that some signatures are school later and others should have a longer school day. how academies are being affected by the government
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shutdown. >> there is no doubt about the status of this campground. wait until you hear what the campers
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i was honored to serve as governor of virginia. we brought folks together in richmond to focus on creatg jobs and getting results. that's the virginia way. and that's why i'm backing terry mcauliffe for governor. terry won't let ideological battles get in the way of making progress. terry will worwith democrats, republicans, and independents to create jobs and move virginia forward. it's important for virginia that we elect terry mcauliffe as our governor. i'm terry mcauliffe, candidate for governor, and i sponsored this ad. >> use the midi national park is
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123 years old today. and so they buried a it is weathering a government shutdown. it is one of just 400 parks closed to visitors until congress reaches some kind of a budget deal. parts are in our area. campers were told to get out there and leave the park rounds. take a look at this. are era kate is what people greeted with. people are still arriving. we talked to a couple of motorcycles from san diego. three week into their six week tour. they came here to camp and returned array. they are furious. were turned away. they are furious. >> they got their eviction notice. >> the park ranger came by and said that by tomorrow night we need to move on. >> because of the government shutdown, they start to getting
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their little camper road ready to leave greenbelt national park. >> now we do not know what we're going to do. we will have to find an alternative. the same at national parks across the region. at great falls in virginia, it it turns of visitors away at the front gates in west virginia the national historic park is closed to history buffs like kenneth jones. goit is nice to be able to in here and some of the interpretations. we have been denied that. that this disappointing. >> somebody is not doing their job in washington. >> they say they are unhappy about being told to leave. they're more distressed about the politics behind the shutdown. >> the consumers are getting the door slammed on them. they want us to rise up and take action. the average version does not know what action to take. >> it is not the american way.
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here closed until further notice. no one knows when that is going to be. have set thisans afternoon that they're going to try to take a vote on a narrow funding bill that would fund the national park service. it has not happened yet. it has been opposed by cement democrats. this remains lows. campers have until tomorrow night to find somewhere else to stay. abc 7 news. >> today would have been a perfect day. veryu do not see this office on a beautiful day. sunshine. we're looking at better weather days ahead. some changes are on the way. ready for some cold weather. thisready outside we go on
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tuesday afternoon in the early evening. eight through just a few clouds out there. temperatures are 82 degrees. windsor out of the northwest at seven miles an hour. the levels are in the 50s toss. feels sohy it comfortable out there. washington, d.c., george washington university at 81 degrees. the wind that two miles an hour. when you start out in the mid-it the's. made -- mid-50- degrees. a low a 53. your temperatures will drop into the upper 50's later on this evening and early into tomorrow morning. temperatures very comfortable across the mid-atlantic area fredericksburg looking at 82. head over to southern maryland. just a little bit cooler. 70ington park now at degrees.
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temperatures up and down the east coast. 60s in detroit. it promises lay in the afternoon. that is the beautiful day today. check out a couple of extra degrees. thisd front late afternoon. look at this. it is quiet and dry. all the way out to the valley. color change.all giving another week or so. you may season beautiful colors out there. or four another three weeks. >> here is our futurecast. this will slowly lift on out of here.
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into monday. this will be our next best chance across our region. we will see in and to this drought. a few clouds for the overnight hours. a comfortable night ahead. we will see lower 60's inside the beltway. mid-80s with five or 10 miles an hour. this goes into most of the upcoming weekend. 87urday we will be around degrees. some? popping up sunday and monday. it all focuses around this cold front. we could see more clouds or son. linger the showers could into monday or tuesday of next
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week. enjoy the beautiful weather now because we are making that turn. >> i think we will get it. >> ok. thank you. here's a look at what is coming up tonight. what agents -- watched agents of sheer. this starts to set in for the lucky seven. >> bill nye the science guy was the second person to leave the floor. he suffered an injury last week this was not enough to keep them in the competition. next week is valerie harper who largest scores last night. >> teenage mutant ninja turtles. again.dancing that shows you how badly he wanted to be out there. someore dancing no caps
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inside knowledge about the knowledge. this was the last dance fitness class. there is a clear distinction between the dancing celebrities and the non-dancing celebrities. there is elizabeth. all four have dance experience. it is almost like their competition and and the others. he said his favorites of this year are elizabeth berkley and osborne. he actually are entered with jack's sister in season number nine. -- partnered with jack's sister and season number nine. ahead, jim edit video
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of a group of bikers chasing an suv -- dramatic video of a group of bikers chasing an suv. who is now under arrest. >> good morning. jackie is back on the air. she is sharing why she decided to have a pre
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>> have you seen this video yet? a motorcycle club and the driver of an suv in new york city. police say an suv driver accidentally hit a biker. felt threatened when the bikers confronted him and then he tried to get away from the scene with his wife and two- year-old daughter inside. that is when he ended up hitting three other bikers and that a chase ensues. he is assaulted. he received some stitches. treated and released. >> the driver's wife and child were not hurt. please have arrested and charged to one biker with reckless endangerment. another one is in custody. more arrest are expected. >> we are learning more about a
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rockslide left five hikers and death. they're all from the same family. the only survivor is a 13-year- old girl who was saved by her father. she is now hospitalized with a broken leg among other injuries. it involved in older is more than 100 times. the conditions are so unstable that rescuers had to wait until this afternoon to recover the victims bodies. >> coming up, we know how much it will cost to repair the navy yard after last month's shooting rampage. hit militarywn academies. we will show you how. >>
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>> you are watching abc seven news at five on your side. >> federal workers are feeling the brunt of the government shutdown. frustration is being shared across the country. >> you can feel that the anger is in many directions. what did you find out tonight? the response to the government shutdown ranges from outrage to you on this -- to yawns. many have messages. >> i think it is absolutely absurd. >> the fill your to find a way to fund the federal government has more than government workers worried.
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>> they need to hurry up and make a decision and get these people back to work. it is very important to our economy. >> most of this will pinch people across the metro area regardless of whether they work for the fed. everyday, every hour, people's lives are being affected. >> it is politics but compromise is what we have paid for. >> there's plenty of anger out there. .t is a political >> the finger-pointing goes all around. >> all of them should be taken out of office. sometimes it is common sense. some fear all this talk about not backing down could lead to a lengthy standoff in long shutdown. >> i am worried that they have gone out in public and say here's my position. >> then there are those that do not find the shutdown that big a deal. get this.
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we as a woman we saw working downtown what she thought about the shutdown. she said i don't live around here so it does not affect me. if the shutdown goes on much longer, it is harder to find anyone who does not know about it or is not fearing it and one way or another. >> the synagogue is open each day with free wi-fi, coffee and furloughed workers. it also features pink on games of red versus lou -- red versus blue. others are offering free food with a government id. there is a level -- little silver lining. animals are still being cared for. no visitors will get to see them. of zoo is another casualty
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the government shutdown. the gates are closed along with all inside. >> it is horrible. it is ridiculous. >> you cannot see the baby panda. the panda cam is dark. so are all the other live animal cameras. they have been deemed nonessential. we're not getting to see how she grows. >> the news is all over the shutdown. i talked with diane sawyer about what they have tonight. >> good evening. >> we do not know what they are saying. we tracked them down. are they willing to give up their paycheck since thousands of other people have no choice? it here are the choices. >> icv are wearing pink and
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solidarity. have an encouraging report on but tonight. >> we do. we're going to find two groups -- leasto are left likely to get breast cancer. perhaps for prevention. you will hear their surprising news tonight. ask we will be here for you. we will see you then. those stories and more tonight on "world news." siteople who work on the of the navy yard shooting will not be affected by the government shutdown. the military has awarded a $6 million contract to repair building 197. firm a woman and her three dogs escaped from a town half and went up in flames.
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when she woke up this morning it was on fire. she got out and was taken off to the hospital with first and second degree burns. the docs turned out to be ok. about $10,000 in damages. >> the university of maryland libraries have received a landmark gift. this morning a ceremony was held on the college park campus. presented more than 40 million documents on u.s. labor history. the gift is the largest of its kind to history. we want to get a check of the traffic situation. how is it looking tonight? >> we still have plenty of volume out there on the brush our. a serious crash on dolly madison boulevard in the road in mclean. along the beltway they are
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battling. let's take a look at some cameras right now and see how things are looking. right now things are not doing too badly. this is moving a little bit better than normal at least in this particular spot. in other areas we do have some delays on 66 headed out pass through one 23. is still slow and a couple of stretches. 5 is doing quite well. >> have a good one. a major change could be coming to local county school starting time. just for some of the students. >> coming up, reaction to the scope of the federal government shutdown. scope of the federal government shutdown. it extends all the way to
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i wawas honored to serve as governor of virginia.
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we brought folks together in richmond to focus on creating jobs and getting results. that's the virginia way. and that's why i'm backing terry mcauliffe for governor. terry won't let ideological battles get in the way of king progress. terry wi work with democrats, republicans, and independents to create jobs and move virginia forward. it's important for virginia that we elect terry mcauliffe as our governor. i'm terry mcauliffe, candidate for governor, and i sponsored this ad. >> adc police officer is under investigation for a thread he allegedly posted on the. this is all developing as these the. we spoke to several sources who
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tell us this began as an anonymous -- anonymous said. indicated to tip the department that adc police oficer had made some type threat on facebook regarding the government shutdown. there is some sort of sniper style shooting. whether or not that actually turned out to be the actual posting on facebook we do not know. the officer has been identified. we understand the officers not having any contact with the public as we speak. many sources tell us they know the officers who may be at the center of this. they say while he may have said something off-color, they do not believe he is actually capable of doing anything. we do know from sources that
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this was not something they were going to blow off. they said they needed to take this seriously. they're doing everything. >> thank you. announces what this is adding for the holidays. it is a really big number. i have a history of breast cancer. i want to make sure i am not next in line. >> she returns with a very personal story.
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>> today marks the start of breast cancer awareness month. we are helping to get the word out on the disease that claimed 40,000 lives. good morning washington meteorologist just returned after a double mastectomy even though she never had breast cancer. greta kreuz joins us with the life-changing decision. >> by the way, tacky is doing great. she has surgery last month. she is still undergoing reconstruction. she said deciding to have both breasts removed was difficult
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and personal. after a lot of research, she decided her odds of getting cancer were so high it should be worrying about it all the time. for her preemptive surgery was the way to go. >> we have somewhat whether to talk about. wrecks jackie has seen storms ruling for years. this time it was a personal one. >> it has touched on most every woman i love and my life. >> breast cancer had already stricken her mother, grandmother and two aunts and now her sister. >> first had arty advance to stage three. that is very -- hers had already advanced to stage three. that is very scary. >> her current 30% risk would skyrocket with age. there's always that chance that there is other some gene. and her husband discussed options. more frequent monitoring, mammograms, and clinical exams or prophylactic drugs.
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she opted for the most drastic, a double missed that may. my riskving the surgery of getting breast cancer will drop to 3%. >> over a lifetime. >> over a lifetime. >> i back are 100%. there no way we're going to avoid it. anything you can do to prevent breast cancer, absolutely. >> they are increasing tim percent to 50% a year because of better screening and cosmetic reconstruction. big surgery. you lose sensation. it is not as though there is no price to be paid. . she decided peace of mind was worth the price. >> i have a tremendous amount of support. i have family and my friends.
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that will get me through it. >> some places do offer free genetic counseling. the test cost about $4000. insurance may cover it. tomorrow i will show you more about the surgery and any surprises or requests she has had so far. what do we know about who should get tested? >> it can be a scary thing for someone. we have more information on our website. if you have no family history of breast cancer going back to your grandparents, there's no need for genetic testing. you might want to be tested it at lease you into other -- you or to other family members have it. do not forget to check your father side of the family. a lot of people forget that.
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>> jackie certainly happy family history. thank you. >> it is glad to see you back in the saddle. abc 7 is going pink for the month of october. will and you get some important facts about breast cancer and any important questions you should ask your health care provider. while you're on the website, you can also take the pink ledge in the fight against breast cancer. >> i am rocking the pink for jackie. aboutortant information cardiac arrest. a kills millions of americans each year. many could be saved with the pr. the survival rate nearly doubled after an initiative in denmark taught people basic cpr. children learn site they are -- cpr in elementary schools. >> says it is hiring
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70,000 full-time seasonal workers to fill orders during the holiday season. ofy say this is an increase 40% over last year's 50,000 workers. employees are eligible for health care benefits and are 94% of the wages of regular employees. next it is time to see what is we have a look ahead. >> they come head to head with a government shutdown. world war ii records traveled hundreds of miles. we will look at the impact this ground --on how lived on hallowed ground. we will see you in a few minutes for abc 7 news at 6:00. >> good news.
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>> it feels more like a -- late august outside. you know the change is just around the corner. it is just going to take another few days or so. i'll side we go from the furniture center. it is 82 at reagan national airport. quantico at 79. moving through the evening hours it looks fantastic. this nice weather will stick around for the day tomorrow even into thursday and friday. this is our futurecast. we have some changes on the way. the area of high pressure will lead out of here. a cold front will approach from the north and west. right now the timing shows it
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alive -- arriving late sunday into monday. it will bring much-needed rain into the area. are waking up tomorrow morning for temperatures around 60 degrees. temperatures are around 80 with high temperatures in the mid- 80's. there is a chance for shims for some showers late monday. we see the 30%. 50%ill have to up that to as we move through the next couple of days. >> thank you very much. on the football front. >> we were just talking about it here this situation is very confusing. all service academy service event including the navy football game which is sold out and is in jeopardy of being suspended. a final decision will be made by thursday. if they all postpone and it does make a lot of sense, the games make money. they have a contract with cbs r
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sports net. the possible suspension is being reviewed by pentagon lawyers to see whether funds used are congressionally appropriated ones. i will keep you posted. open the season and chicago against the black off --. they are much more in sync with each other. they started this season 2-9. they made the playoff. this is a confident bunch right now. opening-night cannot come fast enough. this can be a little bit of an issue. i think we used it really well. opening night. we are excited. we have motivation with stanley coming up in sports at six. congratulation to johnny
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holliday. he was honored for being the fore of the maryland team 35 years. we were together when he started in 1979. he also took over my duties and basketball. he is great. he has been a terrific sports commentator for 35 years. what a great ambassador for our community as a whole. the best job in a world. i do work for a living i would be in trouble. it is something i look forward to every day no matter whether it is football or basketball. i have the greatest job in the world. he was going to be there for 35 years way to go. we love you. >> you know better than i. absolutely. >> you knoand when you get up -- can i play?
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no! you don't even get football. [ male announcer ] when you've got 100% fiber optic fios, you get it. america's fastest, most reliable internet.. it's the ultimate for downloading, streaming, and chatting. -- that guy all over the football field. thanks, joe. if ruthe running backs don't stt picking up the blitz, the quarterback is going to have a long night. is that your sister? look, are you trying to take my job? maybe. [ male announcer ] switch to a fios triple play online for just $89.99 a month guaranteed for two years. plus, your choice of a $300 gift card
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>> a federal judge has refused to block implementation of the gun control law. they failed to prove that the law would cause irreparable harm. the law went into effect in advance 45 types of weapon's. it limits magazines to 10 bullets and requires handgun buyers to be fingerprinted. other laws went into effect. over --e can call you police can pull you over for talking on your cell phone. it is mandatory for everyone inside the car to wear a seatbelt or you could face a $50 fine. >> a superintendent is recommending that the district consider pushing back start times. when that have been great? high schools would start 50 minutes later and elementary schools would start her the minute later. by will be on report
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presented at the board of education meeting next tuesday. >> i do not think many students will take issue. >> timing is everything. that is it. coming up right now at 6:00 captioned by the national captioning institute not have todown did happen. >> this is ignoring -- is annoying as hell. they will not even sit down and have a discussion. >> i feel like i'm serving in the nation's largest kindergarten. boil over as the federal government shuts down for the first time in more than 17 years. rom the abc 7 broadcast centers, this is abc 7 news at 6:00 on your side. >> we are 18 hours into the shutdown of the government. it looks like there is more finger-pointing than negotiating. >> 800,000 employees are on indefinite furlough without pay.
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we have team coverage of the shutdown. >> we're going to be here with jeff obert. at the reality sets in across the region, federal workers have arty have enough. wiley sitting on the hill? >> they are not doing their jobs very well. obama said it is settled in here to stay. he said is like demanding ransom for doing their jobs here at >> they do not get to hold the government hostage. >> the house passed a budget that would have delayed the individual mandate portion of the health care law which requires americans to get insurance. did.s quickly reject republicans are considering passing bills to reopen parts of the government including national parks, the v.a. ndc
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government. -- and the d.c. government. no other president had any interest in how to resolve this impasse. >> he calls this action by house republicans unprecedented. seen as anever responsible as behavior as we're seeing in a saw -- small subset of the house. >> some republicans may be backing down. he says this fight of obamacare may not be worth the costs. >> you try to balance those out. continuedhink that a shutdown advances our agenda. >> the sentiments are eco today by other republicans. they both say right now the republicans in congress have no leverage. what's the impact of a shutdown extends beyond the furlough w


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